Employees, students, and suppliers may be reimbursed for purchases made using personal funds in the course of doing business with IU. Reimbursements are issued via different mechanisms, depending on which of the previous categories the expense owner belongs to.
Employee reimbursements are entered using the Out of Pocket Reimbursement expense report in Emburse Enterprise, IU’s expense management system.
In Emburse Enterprise, employees are able to enter reimbursements themselves. However, departments may prefer to have administrative staff with Delegate or Super Delegate permissions enter reimbursements on behalf of employees. Contact your Fiscal Officer or other individuals within your organization for guidance.
These materials walk through the Out of Pocket Reimbursement expense report:
- Written Documentation
- Video walk-through
- Standard Operating Procedure PURCH-11
- Out of Pocket Reimbursement Object Codes
Once submitted, expense reports route for fiscal review. The fiscal reviewer is the individual designated as the primary delegate for the DV document type of the account(s) used. If a primary delegate is not defined, the primary delegate for the KFS document type will be used. If neither of these categories are defined, the account(s) Fiscal Officer(s) will act as the fiscal reviewer(s).
Payment is generated the next business day after fiscal review is complete and the expense report is final approved.
Visit the Support Form for answers to common questions related to reimbursements in Emburse Enterprise.
Student reimbursements may be entered in Emburse Enterprise using the same procedure outlined above for employee reimbursement, or using the Student Information System, or SIS. The beneficiary of the reimbursement is the determining factor.
- If Indiana University was the beneficiary of the payment, Emburse Enterprise should be used to enter the reimbursement.
- If the student was the beneficiary of the payment, SIS should be used to enter the reimbursement.
Contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) by emailing if you have questions related to making this determination, or need help entering a reimbursement in SIS.
Visit the Support Form for answers to common questions related to reimbursements in Emburse Enterprise.
Suppliers are reimbursed using the Reimbursement for Supplier Out of Pocket Expense Check Request form in BUY.IU . You may search for the form using the search on the Shopping home page, or click the Forms short cut to access a list of Check Request forms.
Visit the Support Form for answers to common questions related to reimbursements in BUY.IU.