Reference Number Commodity/Service Description Addendum Date Released Pre-Proposal Date/Time Closing Date/Time Contact
RFP-PUR-1686-2025 IUSE Operations of Dining Addendum 11/13/2024 11/19/2024 10am EST 1/30/2025 2pm EST Tresa Fredericks
RFP-TEC-1703-2025 Border Firewall Appliances 1/10/2025 N/A 3/28/2025 5pm EST Rachel Beall
RFP-TEC-1693-2025 Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) N/A 1/13/2025 N/A 2/14/2025 3pm EST Jennifer Guynn
RFP-TEC-1715-2025 IU Indy Campus Center AV Statement of Needs 1/21/2025 9am EST N/A 2/7/2025 5pm EST Rachel Beall
RFP-MRO-1706-2025 Indiana University – Athletics Mellencamp Pavilion & Memorial Stadium North End Zone Rebranding Statement of Needs 1/28/2025 N/A 2/14/2025 5pm EST John Bodle